
John Deere Tech Program - All Locations

Location: All Locations
Type of Employment: Intern Program

You've got the talent, the skills, and the interest. You like working with your hands, solving problems, and getting the most out of everthing you work on. You're perfect for John Deere TECH, the John Deere dealer technician training program.

All you need to enter this two-year Associate's Degree program is a high school diploma or the equivalent. You'll team up with Horizon Equipment and a participating school for a combination of classroom and hands-on training that will prepare you for a long and rewarding career at with us.

The Courses

  • Diesel Engines
  • Powertrains
  • Brakes
  • Electrical and Hydraulic Systems
  • Computer Diagnostics
  • Proprietary John Deere Systems
  • Shop Procedures and Safety
  • General Education Instruction
  • Training on Specific Product Lines

The Dealers

You will also work at Horizon Equipment as part of the curriculum. And get paid for it. This is where all your time in class - learning customer service as well as hydraulics - comes together. At Horizon Equipment, you will learn from seasoned service technicians and deal with real people, customers who need their equipment fixed right. And fixed right now.

Your time at Horizon Equipment is intense. You'll put all you know about John Deere diesel engines, powertrains, electronics, and diagnostics to work. You'll learn you really can fix a machine with a laptop and a wrench. And you'll discover how your skills affect everyone you come into contact with, from customers to coworkers. It's this real-life experience that puts John Deere Tech Program graduates in demand. Not only are you learning about working in a dealership, but dealerships are learning about working with you.

The Requirements

This program requires that you have a high school diploma or equivalent. Your chosen school can help you register for applicable college entrance exams.

The Reward

Successful graduates go to work at John Deere dealerships that provide job placement, excellent starting pay, extensive benefits, and great work conditions. You'll go to work every day using your newly gained skills, knowing the dealer values your talent and passion. Dealerships invest in our technicians because they are the best in the industry.

How do I start?

Click here to view complete details
Contact Marcy Puck for more information: marcy@horizonequip.com

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Van Wall Equipment Transition